Clinical information

Useful databases for finding information regarding
specific clinical conditions and the names of the associated genes.

Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)

A highly detailed reference catalogue for genetics professionals, containing over 20,000 entries, listing human genetic conditions and related genes. It began as a printed version in the early 1960's, initiallycompiled by the late Victor McKusick. Much detailed information but less easy to read than GeneReviews.

Large number of reasonably comprehensive, disease-orientated, reviews. Generally expert-authored and easy to read.
A new web page with links to the Nature, Science and LitCovid hubs established specifically for coronavirus and COVID-19 related research publications. The page also includes links to European Reference Networks, patient organisations, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the World Health Organisation and other scientific data sources, such as the protein databank (PDB) and the NextStrain viral sequence tracker and database.
A ‘consumer-friendly’ guide (from the US National Library of Medicine) to the genetics of more than 350 conditions. Provides basic information and is particularly helpful to non-professionals. Includes a glossary of medical and genetic definitions. It was previously named Genetics Home Reference.

For more details regarding these databases and a user's guide on how to make the most efficient use of these databases, see Part 3 of Essential Medical Genetics 6th Edition